The algae covered by grains of salt floating across the sea,
while the gull scans the peak,
the shoal moves to the sound of the tide.
The sun generates heat
with its large evapotranspiration,
the great walrus kills one of the penguins...
and the other in shock.
Dyed red beach is shake the palm trees,
sounds as the wind was calm beats.
Although only a moment,
it is only a breeding and repeats the story;
Now exalted hungry dolphins attacked by sharks.
But those sharks are less, and the other warriors,
begins a battle of who knows the word ...
The purpose and result are the same,
nature is not escape detail;
or random changes,
or their fate in the shadows.
A while after a fall will be another, nothing is eternal,
even the stars have an expiry date,
it is life and its mandate.
Fall rains, thunder and heavy storms ring,
heaven shines, and the climate for new cycle of existence ...
Birth, eating, growing, making, aging, death;
none are free -is exempt-, one to go against time?
does someone want to go against the time?
Coartada - Pista - Acuse - Prueba
Coartada: excusa justificación defensa móvil pretexto descargo excepción evasiva exención rebozo elusión eximo exculpa alegato argumento quid dispensa exclusa discurso escudo exhorto esencia velo exonero franqueo cohobar cohonestar sincero reserva explayó explicó expliego explegá esputó privilegio subterfugio asidero mótivo razón pie porqué causa verso apologia malversó.
Pista: indicio conjetura seño señal huella sospecha sintoma aviso advertencia rastro tácitó vestigio nota signo sino sine hado ion glifo marca muestra lindó provisto providencia procuro rasgo veta cabo hipotesis cacho supuesto figura presunción probabilidad teoría hito impresión patente registro conste percepto experimento estela reliquia noción suspicacia estampa pasó carácter tilde trazó perfil crencha raya fatuo impertinencia necedad teorema paradoja axioma hallazgo.
Acuse: imputo achaque atribución demanda sondeo reproche denuncia clamo causión calificación reclamo laya términó gradar créditó apodo alias epíteto recurso títuló adjetivo epígrafe declaración tildó clase cacha solvencia credencial delación soplo confidencia expediente rotulo sumario compendio listado legajo conclusión resumen cita notifico tacha pregón indicación fama repute injuria observo contemplo admiro estofa exámen evaluo ponderá oficio escrito arguir taza diligencia solicitud opusco impugno opugna archivo parte orden auto amonestación pieza pliego rango epitome documento vale pedido pretensión exigencia analisis aspiración prontuario sintesis provisión inqueri fecha protocolo carta.
Probo: prueba evidencia evento texto avezo cata ducho demostración ensayo procuró gestión coge explicación certeza convicción seguro cacho frago breño flagó soporte son sostén apoyo fundamento careo tanto medio mesuro tope estimo taso litero terné voto expuesto testo testigo certifico tino pulso tipo don ejemplo tomo ton vado veraz deposición
Pista: indicio conjetura seño señal huella sospecha sintoma aviso advertencia rastro tácitó vestigio nota signo sino sine hado ion glifo marca muestra lindó provisto providencia procuro rasgo veta cabo hipotesis cacho supuesto figura presunción probabilidad teoría hito impresión patente registro conste percepto experimento estela reliquia noción suspicacia estampa pasó carácter tilde trazó perfil crencha raya fatuo impertinencia necedad teorema paradoja axioma hallazgo.
Acuse: imputo achaque atribución demanda sondeo reproche denuncia clamo causión calificación reclamo laya términó gradar créditó apodo alias epíteto recurso títuló adjetivo epígrafe declaración tildó clase cacha solvencia credencial delación soplo confidencia expediente rotulo sumario compendio listado legajo conclusión resumen cita notifico tacha pregón indicación fama repute injuria observo contemplo admiro estofa exámen evaluo ponderá oficio escrito arguir taza diligencia solicitud opusco impugno opugna archivo parte orden auto amonestación pieza pliego rango epitome documento vale pedido pretensión exigencia analisis aspiración prontuario sintesis provisión inqueri fecha protocolo carta.
Probo: prueba evidencia evento texto avezo cata ducho demostración ensayo procuró gestión coge explicación certeza convicción seguro cacho frago breño flagó soporte son sostén apoyo fundamento careo tanto medio mesuro tope estimo taso litero terné voto expuesto testo testigo certifico tino pulso tipo don ejemplo tomo ton vado veraz deposición
coartada pista acus prueba lista
Comment: It seems like a happy day
Through my vision I percieve this glorious day, full of humbleness and joy I embrace it, this moment in time, when people poor like me, in middle class, or rich, suddenly we are one, but not the same, equals in the eyes of the law, but not in the opportunities, social reality is as good as the citizens want it, the moral issues can't be equivalent between a woman of 50 years and a guy of 20 years old, or match the precepts of a believer and someone agnostic or even atheist. Nevertheless, there is a light, one hope, a man, in the all concept of that word, perhaps he could change a lot of things that makes our daily living together a disaster.
No matter what kind of color do you have in your skin, your blood is red like everyone else, nothing signify more than you are human, yet there isn't a way you wouldn't take, don't count where it's going, some people say: no one deserve second chances, or if you step the hell, you should stay there forever, that is wrong, they already had their shot, life is the energy, and that power is time, the time itself is art, then, this one is the most artistic moment of the human history, where capacities are re-discovered, reconstructing economies, adapting new qualities, reinventing cultures and creating across love and care a new enlightment era.

We are waiting for this change so many years ago, when we can forgotten the meaning of the word: discrimination, which exclusion is only a ghost of the past, it seems that sometimes gets out of it, but somehow someone diminishing returns to get the sack of bitterness, distrust of the box of calm, and everything becomes an eight; I dream those times when all this isolation will be history, and make come true the expressions americans says this days: we are one.
No matter what kind of color do you have in your skin, your blood is red like everyone else, nothing signify more than you are human, yet there isn't a way you wouldn't take, don't count where it's going, some people say: no one deserve second chances, or if you step the hell, you should stay there forever, that is wrong, they already had their shot, life is the energy, and that power is time, the time itself is art, then, this one is the most artistic moment of the human history, where capacities are re-discovered, reconstructing economies, adapting new qualities, reinventing cultures and creating across love and care a new enlightment era.

We are waiting for this change so many years ago, when we can forgotten the meaning of the word: discrimination, which exclusion is only a ghost of the past, it seems that sometimes gets out of it, but somehow someone diminishing returns to get the sack of bitterness, distrust of the box of calm, and everything becomes an eight; I dream those times when all this isolation will be history, and make come true the expressions americans says this days: we are one.
Feliz 2009 - Happy new year

Happy new year everyone, I wish you have a successful one, enjoy the new waves and the web 3.0, if you have something to say, remind yourself that you must be responsible, respect others point of view, and try to stay balanced, have a open opinion, and maintain impartiality.
feliz año happy new year 2009
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